I am a Postdoctoral Scholar at the Technion - Israel Institute of Technology, supervised by Mark Silberstein. My research aims to build next-generation networks for the post-Moore's Law era. I am currently working on datacenter networks that exclusively use rapidly-reconfiguring circuit switches to completely eliminate the need for packet switches.

I received my Ph.D. in Computer Science at Cornell University, where I was advised by Hakim Weatherspoon. Before Cornell, I received undergraduate degrees in Computer Science and Engineering Physics from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. While there, I was fortunate enough to work with Marco Caccamo and his group on creating autonomous solar-powered UAVs.

I also participated in several internships at LTN Global Communications, which at the time was building the next-generation network for broadcast TV. I aided in designing the hardware and software for the LTN Leaf customer appliance, which now has several thousand deployments.


Invited Talks

  • "Optimal Oblivious Reconfigurable Networks" - MIT, January 2023
  • "Optimal Oblivious Reconfigurable Networks" - Cornell Industry-Academic Partnership, October 2022
  • "Optimal Oblivious Reconfigurable Networks" - Microsoft Research Cambridge, June 2022
  • "Optimal Oblivious Circuit-Swiched Datacenter Networks" - University of Washington, November 2021